##### AUTHOR #### ILIAS KOULOURIDIS ##### TITLE #### X-ray AGN clustering using photometric redshifts ##### ABSTRACT #### A method is developed to estimate the projected cross-correlation function, w_p(R), between AGN and galaxies using photometric redshift information only for the galaxy population. The full Probability Distribution Function (PDF) is used to account for the uncertainties in the photometric redshift estimates. The method is applied to the AEGIS, where a total of 110 X-ray AGN with spectroscopic redshifts are cross-correlated with ~21000 galaxies with photometric redshift estimates from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). It is shown that the recovered signal is in good agreement with the w_p(R) estimated using spectroscopic redshifts only for both the AGN and the galaxy population (e.g. Coil et al. 2009). Our method is advantageous in that it requires follow-up spectroscopy for AGN only and hence, can be applied to a number of X-ray fields with limited spectroscopic observations and multiwavelength data that allow photometric redshifts for the overall galaxy population to be mesaured.