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Alexandre Bouquin's
DAGAL page
(PHP version Beta)

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Now available: cropped FUV and NUV FITS files (a single .tar file of ~4GB) (right-click and save)


← NEW: GALEX coverage of S4G catalog. (2081 objects)
The entire S4G catalog. (2352 objects)
Virgo galaxies (GoldMINE database) present in the S4G catalog. (184 objects)
Vigo galaxies present in the GALEX-covered S4G catalog. (105 objects)
Vigo galaxies present in the GALEX-covered S4G catalog, with FUV-NUV measurements available. (93 objects)
Visual classification of Type 1 XUV-disks galaxies in S4G obtained from GALEX counterparts (712 objects)