Task |
File/URL |
Output |
Comments |
Galex data reduction |
Sky measurement |
elipse.f and measure_sky.f (FORTRAN) |
Sky measurement in elliptical ring annulus around target(s). |
author Armando Gil de Paz, adapted by AYKB |
Masking, interpolation, and photometry |
galex_sf_v3.cl and myfixpix.cl and galex_sf_v3.cl again (IRAF) |
Masks, interpolation of masked regions by averaging neighbor pixels, photometry |
author Armando Gil de Paz, adapted by AYKB |
Plotting profiles |
regre2.f and galex_prof_v2.f (but see plotprofiles.py) |
author Armando Gil de Paz, adapted by AYKB |
Plots and analysis for paper1 |
Figure1 |
doublepanely.py |
Figure2 |
Also doublepanely.py |
Figure3 |
fig3_numdensity_flipped_plusCB07_v2.py |
Figure4 |
fig4_nine5.py |
Plots and analysis for paper2 |
All surface brightnesses and colors plots |
general_plot18b_v1.0.py |
Multi-purpose plotting software for visualizing spatially-resolved data of galaxies with output in a single panel. Can plot any two of the following inputs: FUV, NUV, 3.6micron SBs, (FUV-NUV), (FUV-3.6), (NUV-3.6) colors, distances in kpc, R, R80. Disk models can also be added. Color-coding based on morphological types. |
SB and color plots per morph.type panels |
general_plot19.py |
Multi-purpose plotting software for visualizing spatially-resolved data of galaxies with output in nine panels. Can plot any two of the following inputs: FUV, NUV, 3.6micron SBs, (FUV-NUV), (FUV-3.6), (NUV-3.6) colors, distances in kpc, R, R80. Disk models can also be added. Color-coding based on morphological types. |
XUV analysis |
Sky subtraction |
galexskysub.py |
Subtract the SKY that is in the header from the galaxy |
SKY that is measured with measure_sky.f, is stored in the header. This Python script reads the SKY value and subtract it from each pixel of the image. |
Contour plotting and area measurements |
Spitzer_MJy_to_ABmag_batch.py |
Generates DS9 scripts (.sh) and contour levels (.lev) calculations |
The DS9 scripts can then be concatenated with the cat command and executed as a shell script for batch processing or executed individually. |
Plot contour with ds9 |
e.g. 17ds9.sh |
Generates contour files (.con), polygon region files (.reg), and Postscript (.ps) images. |
Extract and measure contour areas with python |
GALEX FUV: region_batch.py; Spitzer IRAC1: region_batch_s4g_fast.py |
Analyze area measurements (and classify Type2 XUVs) |
pyT2classification.py |
Others |
Convert FITS to PNG |
pyfits2png.py |
Reprojecting FITS files |
single: pyreprojectsingle.py; batch: pyreprojectbatch.py |
Create RGB images and WCS axes |
galexrgb_linear.py |
modified function "make_lupton_rgb" |
Create SB and color profiles |
plotprofiles.py |
The DAGAL database |
https://www.astro.rug.nl/~dagal/ |
Search engine made with PHP and SQLite3 |
Comparator |
https://guaix.fis.ucm.es/dagal/comparator/thebody.php |
Tool to visually compare FUV, DSS, IRAC1 images of the S4G sample |