# Last update: Nov 15, 2012 # SHARDS Catalogues version: 1.13.6 # # N Filter CWL WIdth A B X0 Y0 RMS ZP_P1 ZP_P2 Delta(ZP_P1) Delta(ZP_P2) m3s_P1 m3s_P2 m75_P1 m75_P2 seeing_P1 seeing_P2 ExpT_P1 ExpT_P2 SKYMED_P1 SKYMED_P2 1 F500W17 500.7 15.0 503.37 -1.323E-6 -315.7 1003.7 0.2 33.284 33.248 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6300 3780 3.01 2.87 2 F517W17 517.4 16.5 520.31 -1.304E-6 -430.5 991.6 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0. 4 F534W17 534.0 17.6 538.51 -1.379E-6 -421.0 1055.2 0.1 33.227 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4800 0 4.01 0. 3 F551W17 550.6 13.9 555.01 -2.060E-6 -255.8 988.1 0.2 33.061 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5190 0 8.39 0. 5 F568W17 567.5 14.4 572.11 -2.117E-6 -289.8 1008.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0. 6 F585W17 585.1 15.1 588.69 -2.327E-6 -86.2 1021.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0. 7 F602W17 601.5 15.5 605.75 -2.277E-6 -212.5 1001.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0. 8 F619W17 618.7 15.8 623.14 -2.404E-6 -202.3 984.8 0.1 33.578 33.534 0.077 26.89 27.22 0.85 7920 7920 8.48 6.78 9 F636W17 636.4 16.2 641.37 -2.589E-6 -116.3 985.8 0.1 33.797 33.779 0.066 0.072 26.78 26.7 27.15 27.17 0.79 0.92 9180 9180 7.85 9.10 10 F653W17 653.4 15.4 656.01 -2.636E-6 -151.1 998.6 0.1 33.962 33.956 0.063 0.065 26.91 27.07 27.17 27.15 0.98 1.00 10440 13920 7.57 7.27 11 F670W17 670.4 16.0 671.86 -2.602E-6 -183.3 1037.2 0.1 33.649 33.633 0.062 0.064 26.64 26.76 27.12 27.18 0.79 1.07 3795 4554 6.10 4.82 12 F687W17 686.9 17.2 691.22 -2.366E-6 -383.2 946.8 0.1 34.065 33.933 0.050 0.055 27.04 26.85 27.1 27.09 0.84 0.93 9270 12360 8.16 11.91 13 F704W17 703.7 17.9 707.78 -2.725E-6 -209.3 1027.1 0.1 33.776 33.847 0.055 0.063 26.71 26.63 27.01 26.95 0.89 0.92 6120 6120 7.22 9.91 14 F721W17 721.1 18.5 723.12 -2.972E-6 -94.4 960.0 0.2 33.951 33.238 0.056 0.060 26.6 26.51 26.97 26.96 0.93 1.02 9075 6620 18.12 8.19 15 F738W17 737.7 14.9 741.80 -2.413E-6 -328.0 1050.3 0.1 33.800 33.778 0.050 0.061 26.45 26.25 26.95 26.87 0.86 0.90 10620 7965 12.65 13.75 16 F755W17 755.5 15.3 758.12 -2.662E-6 -237.9 1032.1 0.1 34.009 34.057 0.050 0.055 26.69 26.37 26.93 26.91 0.92 0.93 12000 9000 7.77 14.91 17 F772W17 771.7 15.8 774.62 -2.931E-6 -122.0 1026.0 0.2 34.051 34.041 0.054 0.053 26.54 26.34 26.9 26.83 0.94 1.04 14300 12100 17.12 20.44 18 F789W17 788.7 16.0 791.22 -3.089E-6 -123.4 994.3 0.1 33.702 33.734 0.054 0.056 26.22 26.02 26.84 26.63 0.97 0.92 8160 11562 18.40 15.28 19 F806W17 806.5 16.1 809.42 -2.941E-6 -200.1 932.8 0.1 33.447 33.510 0.051 0.050 26.39 26.38 26.82 26.77 0.96 0.99 14900 14900 12.41 12.34 20 F823W17 823.1 14.7 829.15 -3.058E-6 -152.7 888.0 0.1 33.294 33.314 0.049 0.049 26.59 26.65 26.91 26.89 0.82 0.91 19189 24760 18.74 20.24 21 F840W17 840.2 15.6 843.57 -3.104E-6 -150.0 992.2 0.1 33.142 33.144 0.057 0.056 26.13 26.19 26.79 26.74 0.88 0.91 24288 25872 29.13 32.69 22 F857W17 857.4 15.9 859.97 -2.895E-6 -249.3 1002.1 0.2 33.832 33.916 0.050 0.051 26.84 26.23 26.88 26.63 0.73 0.95 24240 25250 15.92 20.42 23 F883W35 882.8 33.6 885.33 -2.892E-6 -285.2 977.5 0.4 33.931 33.977 0.065 0.057 26.06 26.06 26.64 26.58 0.93 1.02 15965 15965 57.28 61.03 24 F913W25 912.6 27.8 913.64 -4.055E-6 -60.4 975.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0. 25 F941W33 941.4 33.3 944.04 -3.406E-6 -165.0 1067.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0. # # Note : (col.1, Filter) Filter name. (col.2, CWL) Central wavelength (in nm) of the filter corresponding to the nominal CWL. (col.3, Width) Filter width (in nm). (col.4, A) Coefficient A (in nm) for CWL calibration (from equation 1 of Perez-Gonzalez et al. 2012). # (col.5, B) Coefficient B (in pixel-2) for CWL calibration (from equation 1 of Perez-Gonzalez et al. 2012)). (col.6, X0) X coordinate for the OSIRIS optical center (in pixels). (col.7, Y0) Y coordinate for the OSIRIS optical center (in pixels). # (col.8, RMS) RMS of the CWL calibration (in nm). (col.9-10, ZP_*) Zeropoint for pointings 1 and 2. (col.11-12, Delta(ZP_*)) Zeropoint uncertainty for pointings 1 and 2. (col.13.14, m3s_*) Sensitivity limit at 3-sigma level (AB mag) for pointings 1 and 2. # (col.15-16, m75_*) Third quartil of the magnitude distribution (AB mag) for pointings 1 and 2. (col.17-18, seeing_*) Average seeing (in arcsec) for pointings 1 and 2. (col.20-21, SKYMED_*) Median level for sky background (counts/s). #