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DAGAL page
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String Search (e.g. NGC0755 without space)

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≤ R.A. ≤
≤ DEC. ≤
≤ INC. ≤
≤ tnum ≤
≤ 2a_arcmin ≤
≤ btc ≤
≤ mabsB ≤
≤ FUV_asympt ≤
≤ NUV_asympt ≤
≤ FUV - NUV ≤
≤ NUV - [3.6] ≤


in Virgo Cluster? (check if yes)
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Search Parameters:
0≤RA≤23.9999-90≤DEC≤90-999≤INC≤90-999≤tnum≤10-999≤2a≤999-999≤btc≤999-999≤mabsB≤999-999≤FUV≤999-999≤NUV≤999-999≤FUV-NUV≤999-999≤NUV-[3.6]≤999XUV? Virgo?