The IScAI-2009 starts officially
After the successful pilot program in 2008, the IScAI will officially start in 2009. IScAI-2009 offers an intensive programme of courses and laboratory work in key areas related to the design and construction of scientific instrumentation. The laboratory work will be done at various research institutions and high-tech companies with world-class instrumentation programs in Europe and America.
IScAI-2009 is open to astronomers, physicists and engineers world-wide.
The web page can be found at
IScAI-2009 is funded by the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 grant “First Science with the GTC”, under the Consolider Ingenio 2010 Programme of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. IScAI is a multicenter collaborative effort among high-tech companies and research institutions. UCM is one of the founders institutions.