Welcome to the home page of the Extragalactic Astrophysics and Astronomical Instrumentation group of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This group, composed of more than 20 astronomers, is the result of joining the efforts of the elliptical galaxies group (Profs. Gorgas, Cardiel and collaborators), the star-forming galaxies group (Profs. Zamorano, Gallego and collaborators) and the group for the development of astronomical software (Profs. Gallego, Cardiel and collaborators).
GUAIX is member of UPARCOS-UCM, (Unidad de Física de PARtículas y del COSmos de la UCM), officially created in September 2016.
Most of the components of the group belong to the Astrophysics and Atmosphere sciences Department.
If you want to know HOW TO REACH us, visit this link
Universidad Complutense de Madrid Researchers
The following table shows the researchers involved in the project, and the links to their personal webpages.
Jesús GALLEGO MAESTRO | Catedrático |
webpage |
Jaime ZAMORANO CALVO | Catedrático |
webpage |
Nicolás CARDIEL LÓPEZ | Profesor titular |
webpage |
Javier GORGAS GARCÍA | Catedrático |
webpage |
Pablo G. PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ | Profesor titular |
webpage |
Armando GIL DE PAZ | Profesor titular |
webpage |
África CASTILLO MORALES | Profesor Contratado Doctor | webpage |
MariÁngeles GÓMEZ FLECHOSO | Profesor Contratado Doctor | webpage |
Sergio PASCUAL RAMÍREZ | Postdoc |
webpage |
Antonio HERNÁN-CABALLERO | Postdoc |
webpage |
Cristina CATALÁN TORRECILLA | Postdoc |
webpage |
Bililign T. DULLO | Postdoc |
webpage |
Santiago ROCA FÁBREGA | Postdoc |
webpage |
Belén ALCALDE PAMPLIEGA | Ph.D. Student |
Alexandre BOUQUIN | Ph.D. Student |
Cristina CABELLO | Ph.D. Student |
Mario CHAMORRO | Ph.D. Student |
Ángela GARCÍA ARGUMANEZ | Ph.D. Student |
Lucía GARCÍA | Research assistant | |
Carlos Eugenio TAPIA AYUGA | Research assistant | webpage |
Ainhoa SÁNCHEZ PENIM | Project manager |
webpage |
Collaborators from other institutions
Rafael GUZMÁN | Lecturer | U. Florida, USA |
Alfonso ARAGÓN-SALAMANCA | Lecturer | U. Nottingham, UK. |
Alvaro G. VITORES GONZÁLEZ | Professor | U. Politécnica Madrid (UPM) |
Santos PEDRAZ | Staff | Calar Alto Observatory |
Patricia SÁNCHEZ-BLÁZQUEZ | Ramón y Cajal Associate |
UAM (Madrid) |
Juan Carlos MUÑOZ MATEOS | Staff |
ESO (Chile) |
Antonio CAVA | Postdoc | |
Javier CENARRO | Director |
CEFCA (Teruel) |
Esther MÁRMOL | Postdoc | Edimburgo |
Alejandro BEDREGAL | Postdoc |
Cristina DÍAZ LÓPEZ | Ph.D. student | |
Roser PELLÓ |
Faculty | IRAP (Toulouse) |
Marc BALCELLS | professor | ING (La Palma) |
Mercedes PRIETO | professor | IAC (Tenerife) |
David KOO | professor | Lick Observatory |
Barry MADORE | Caltech (California) | |
Jordi CEPA | professor | IAC (Tenerife) |
José GÓMEZ CASTAÑO | GIS expert |
Alejandro SÁNCHEZ de MIGUEL |
Postdoc |
IAA (Granada) |
Jaime IZQUIERDO GÓMEZ | Honorific collaborator |
Researchers that worked with us in the past
Manuel REGO FERNÁNDEZ | Professor | UCM |
Oscar ALONSO LASHERAS | Project manager of software development | GMV |
Marta CORDERO GRACIA | Professor | ETSI Aeronáuticos, UPM. |
Ángel SERRANO | Assistant Professor | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, (FRAV). |
Víctor VILLAR PASCUAL | Former postdoc | ESAC |
Raffaella MARINO | Former Ph.D. student |
Postdoc in Swizertland |
Former Ph.D. student | Postodc Padova |
Former Ph.D. student |
Postdoc in Mexico |
Carmen ELICHE MORAL | Former Postdoc |
Raúl CACHO MARTÍNEZ | Former postdoc |
Elisa TOLOBA JURADO | Former Ph.D. student | Postdoc in USA |
Guillermo BARRO CALVO | Former Ph.D. student | Postdoc in USA |