XXVII IAU General Assembly
By emq - Posted on August 25th, 2009
Esther Mármol-Queraltó, GUAIX member, has attended to the XXVII General Assembly of the IAU, held in in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) from August 3 to August 14. Esther presented a contributed talk in the Symposium 262: Stellar Populations-Planning for the Next Decade, entitled "Stellar population study in early-type galaxies: an approach from the K band", where she discussed the differences found in the near infrared measurements depending on the environment of the early-type galaxies. You can find the presentantion at http://www.bruzual.org/S262_online/Contributed/.
These results are part of her PhD work (available at http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/users/emq/tesis_emq.pdf -only in spanish, sorry!).