UCM group of Extragalactic astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation
Dept. Astrofísica y CC de la Atmósfera   Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Research lines:
Local star-forming galaxies
Galaxy models
Surveys Databases
SHARDS project
Stellar libraries
Early-type galaxies
Meteors and Fireballs
Dark Skies
Instrumental developments:
MEGARA:Multi-Espectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para Astronomía
EMIR: Espectrógrafo Multiobjeto en el InfraRrojo
FRIDA: inFrared Imager and Dissector for Adaptative optics

First IDT FISIR Meeting on friday 6th june

The first IDT FISIR meeting was held on friday June 6th by videoconf. Attendants were Jesús Gallego (FISIR PI; UCM), R. Guzmán (FISIR project scientist; Univ Florida), Steve Eikenberry (CIRCE PI; Univ. Florida) and Marisa García-Vargas (Fractal S.L.N.E.).

Example of emission-line galaxy at z=2 selected using a NB filter in the J band

Amateur astronomers at Observatorio UCM

Astronomers from Agrupación Astronómica de Madrid (AAM) were our guest at Observatorio UCM last night. AAM was founded in 1974 and has more than 500 members being one of the most active astronomical clubs in Spain.

Rediscovering an asteroid

While processing CCD images of galaxies of the SINGS project, Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos has found the visible traces of a celestial object moving across the field of the nearby galaxy M100. The animated picture shows the consecutive images taken in B, V, R and I bands. The celestial body is clearly moving with respect to the background stars and galaxies. After a careful search in the JPL Small-Body Database the unidentified object has been found to be 1996 AU3.

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