IX Meeting of the Astronomical Spanish Society
The Astronomical Spanish Society (Sociedad Española de Astronomía, or SEA) celebrates a National Meeting each two years, in which Spanish astrophysicists and astronomers expose their recent work. This year, the IX Scientific Meeting of the SEA has been held in Madrid, from 13 to 17 September, in the "Campus Central del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas". Many GUAIX members have been involved in it as Scientific and Local Organizing Committees. The most recent results on Extragalactic Astronomy and Astronomical Instrumentation of the group have been presented through several talks and posters (the abstracts of talks and posters are available).
Several parallel sessions on different astrophysical subjects have been held, as well as plenary sessions where prestigious scientists have shown the latest results in their fields (interviews to these invited speakers here -in Spanish-).