Artículos y ponencias


    • Atchoi E., Mitkus M., Machado B., Medeiros V., Garcia S., Juliano M., Bried J., Rodríguez A. "Do seabirds dream of artificial lights? Understanding light preferences of Procellariiformes" Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (19): jeb247665, October 2024
    • Linares Arroyo H., Abascal A., Degen T., Aubé M., Espey BR., Gyuk G., Hölker F., Jechow A., Kuffer M., Sánchez de Miguel A., Simoneau A. "Monitoring, trends and impacts of light pollution" Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 5, 417–430, May 2024
    • Harding BN., Palomar-Cros A., Valentín A., Espinosa A., Sánchez de Miguel A., Castaño-Vinyals G., Pollán M., Pérez B., Moreno V, Kogevinas M. "Comparing Data from Three Satellites on Artificial Light at Night (ALAN): Focusing on Blue Light’s Influence on Colorectal Cancer in a Case–Control Study in Spain" Environmental Health Perspectives 132 (5): 057702, May 2024
    • Bustamante-Calabria M., Martín-Ruiz S., de Miguel A. S., Ortiz J. L., Vílchez J. M., & Aceituno J. "Characterisation of night-time outdoor lighting in urban centres using cluster analysis of remotely sensed light emissions" Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 34, 101183, April 2024


    • Hector Linares, Eduard Masana, Salvador J. Ribas, Manuel García-Gil, Martin Aubé, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Alexandre Simoneau "Assessing light pollution in vast areas: Zenith sky brightness maps of Catalonia" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer Volume 309, November 2023, 108678
    • Rodríguez A, Atchoi E, Rodríguez B, Pipa T, Le Corre M, Ainley DG "Moonlight diminishes seabird attraction to artificial light" Conservation Science and Practice 5 (10) e13014, October 2023
    • Ramírez F, Cordón Y, García D, Rodríguez A, Coll M, David LS, Chiaradia A, Carrasco JL "Large-scale human celebrations increase global light pollution" People and Nature 5 (5) 1552-1560, October 2023
    • Rodríguez B, Suárez-Pérez A, Méndez C, Acosta Y, Rodríguez A "Numbers of seabirds attracted to artificial lights should not be the only indicator of population trends" Animal Conservation 26 (4) 425-427, August 2023
    • Atchoi E, Mitkus M, Vitta P, Machado B, Rocha M, Juliano M, Bried J, Rodríguez A "Ontogenetic exposure to light influences seabird vulnerability to light pollution" Journal of Experimental Biology 226 (7): jeb245126, April 2023
    • Salvador Bará, Carmen Bao-Varela, Miroslav Kocifaj "Modeling the artificial night sky brightness at short distances from streetlights" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 296, 108456, February 2023
    • Jaime Zamorano, Salvador Bará, Manuel Barco, Cristóbal García, Antonio Luis Caballero "Controlling the artificial radiance of the night sky: The Añora urban laboratory" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 296, 108454, February 2023


    • Marangoni LFB, Davies T, Smyth T, Rodríguez A, Hamann M, Duarte C, Pendoley K, Berge J, Maggi E, Levy O "Impacts of artificial light at night in marine ecosystems–a review" Global Change Biology 28 (18) 5346-5367 September 2022,
    • Rodríguez A, Rodríguez B, Acosta Y and Negro JJ "Tracking Flights to Investigate Seabird Mortality Induced by Artificial Lights" (2022) Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:786557
    • Cuesta-García M, Rodríguez A, Martins AM, Neves V, Magalhaes M, Atchoi E, Fraga H, Medeiros V, Laranjo M, Rodríguez Y, Jones K, Bried J "Targeting efforts in rescue programmes mitigating light-induced seabird mortality: first the fat, then the skinny" Journal for Nature Conservation 65 126080, Febrero 2022,
    • C.G. Bassa, O.R. Hainaut and D. Galadí-Enríquez "Analytical simulations of the effect of satellite constellations on optical and near-infrared observations" A&A Volume 657, January 2022


    • Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Jaime Zamorano, Martin Aubé, Jonathan Bennie, Jesús Gallego, Francisco Ocaña, Donald R.Pettit, William L. Stefanov, Kevin J.Gaston
      "Colour remote sensing of the impact of artificial light at night (II): Calibration of DSLR-based images from the International Space Station" Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 264, 112611
    • Enric Marco, Ángel Morales, Joaquín Baixeras, Jaime Zamorano "Cómo medir la contaminacion lumínica, una amenaza creciente de la biodiversidad". XXIV Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Valencia, 8-11 septiembre 2021 (póster)
    • Nicolás Cardiel, Jaime Zamorano, Josep Manel Carrasco, Eduard Masana, Salvador Bará, Rafael González, Jaime Izquierdo, Sergio Pascual, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel
      "RGB photometric calibration of 15 million Gaia stars" Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 507, 1, 318–329 (October 2021) arXiv:2107.08734
    • José Robles, Jaime Zamorano, Sergio Pascual, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Jesús Gallego and Kevin J. Gaston "Evolution of Brightness and Color of the Night Sky in Madrid " Remote Sens. 2021, 13(8), 1511;
    • Salvador Bará, Enric Marco, Salvador J. Ribas, Manuel Garcia Gil, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Jaime Zamorano, "Direct assessment of the sensitivity drift of SQM sensors installed outdoors" International Journal of Sustainable Lighting (IJSL) Vol. 23, 1-6 (2021) ArXiv preprint:
    • Nicolás Cardiel, Jaime Zamorano, Salvador Bará, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Cristina Cabello, Jesús Gallego, Lucía García, Rafael González, Jaime Izquierdo, Sergio Pascual, José Robles, Ainhoa Sánchez, Carlos Tapia "Synthetic RGB photometry of bright stars: definition of the standard photometric system and UCM library of spectrophotometric spectra " MNRAS (2021)
    • Bustamante-Calabria, M.; Sánchez de Miguel, A.; Martín-Ruiz, S.; Ortiz, J.-L.; Vílchez, J.M.; Pelegrina, A.; García, A.; Zamorano, J.; Bennie, J.; Gaston, K.J.
      "Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Urban Light Emissions: Ground and Satellite Comparison." Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 258 doi:10.3390/rs13020258


    • Eduard Masana, Josep Manel Carrasco, Salvador Bará, and Salvador J. Ribas. "A multi-band map of the natural night sky brightness including Gaia and Hipparcos integrated starlight". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society DOI:10.1093/mnras/staa4005
    • Fabio Falchi, Salvador Bará. (2020). A linear systems approach to protect the night sky: implications for current and future regulations. Royal Society Open Science 7: 201501. Full text Open access: Arxiv preprint
    • Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador Bará. Nighttime monitoring of the aerosol content of the lower atmosphere by differential photometry of the anthropogenic skyglow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, MNRAS 500, L47–L51 (2021). Full text (open access): Published online 10 November 2020.
    • Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador X. Bará. Aerosol characterization using satellite remote sensing of light pollution sources at night. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. MNRAS 495, L76–L80 (2020) Full Text (arXiv)
    • Hector Linares Arroyo, Eduard Masana, Salvador Ribas, Martin Aube, Alexandre Simoneau, Salvador X. Bará. Night sky brightness simulation over Montsec protected area. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 249 (2020) 106990
    • Salvador Bará, Martin Aubé, John Barentine, and Jaime Zamorano. Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2429–2437 (2020). Full Text
    • Martin Aubé, Charles Marseille, Amar Farkouh, Adam Dufour, Alexandre Simoneau, Jaime Zamorano, Johanne Roby and Carlos Tapia, "Mapping the Melatonin Suppression, Star Light and Induced Photosynthesis Indices with the LANcube"Remote Sens. 2020, 12(23), 3954; doi:10.3390/rs12233954
    • Airam Rodríguez, Paula Maiten Orozco-Valor, and José Hernán Sarasola, "Artificial light at night as a driver of urban colonization by an avian predator",
      Landscape Ecology 2020
    • Masana, E.; Carrasco, J. M.; Bará, S.; Ribas, S. J. (2020) A Gaia map of the natural sky brightness Contributions to the XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society, held 13-15 July 2020, online at, id.234 IS026
    • Bará, S., Falchi, F., Furgoni, R., Lima, R. (2020) "Fast Fourier-transform calculation of artificial night sky brightness maps", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Volume 240, January 2020, 106658 JQSRT
    • Kocifaj, M. & Bará, S. (2020) "Aerosol characterization using satellite remote sensing of light pollution sources at night", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 495, Issue 1, June 2020, Pages L76–L80,
    • Garcia-Saenz, Ariadna; Sánchez de Miguel, Alejandro; Espinosa, Ana; Costas, Laura; Aragonés, Nuria; Tonne, Cathryn; Moreno, Victor; Pérez-Gómez, Beatriz; Valentin, Antonia; Pollán, Marina; Castaño-Vinyal, Gemma; Aubé, Martin; Kogevinas, Manolis. Association between outdoor light-at-night exposure and colorectal cancer in Spain (MCC-Spain study). Epidemiology 2020 Sep;31(5):718-727. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000001226.
    • Sanchez de Miguel,A., Kyba, C.M.M, Zamorano, J., Gallego, J. & Gaston, K.J. (2020) "The nature of the diffuse light near cities detected in nighttime satellite imagery", Scientific Reports 10, 7829 (2020) (PDF)
    • Bará, S., Aubé, M., Barentine, J. & Zamorano, J. (2020) "Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society February 2020


    • Bará, S., Rigueiro, I., Lima, R. (2019) "Monitoring transition: Expected night sky brightness trends in different photometric bands", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Volume 239, December 2019, 106644 JQSRT
    • Bará, S. (2019) "Black-body luminance and magnitudes per square arcsecond in the Johnson-Cousins BVR photometric bands", Photonics Letters of Poland 2019, Vol 11, No 3, 63-65; doi:10.4302/plp.v11i3.926
    • Bará, S., Bonmati-Carrion, M.A., Madrid, J.A., Rol, M.A. & Zamorano, J. (2019) "Multispectral estimation of retinal photoreceptoral inputs", Photonics Letters of Poland 2019, Vol 11, No 3, 60-62; doi: 10.4302/plp.v11i3.920
    • Olivier Burggraaff, Norbert Schmidt, Jaime Zamorano, Klaas Pauly, Sergio Pascual, Carlos Tapia, Evangelos Spyrakos, and Frans Snik (2019)"Standardized spectral and radiometric calibration of consumer cameras" Optics Express Vol. 27, Issue 14, pp. 19075-19101 (2019)
    • Bará, S., Lima, R.L. & Zamorano, J. (2019) "Monitoring Long-Term Trends in the Anthropogenic Night Sky Brightness", Sustainability 2019, 11(11), 3070;
    • Sánchez de Miguel A., Bará, S., Aubé M., Cardiel N., Tapia, C., Zamorano, J., & Gaston K.J. (2019) "Evaluating Human Photoreceptoral Inputs from Night-Time Lights Using RGB Imaging Photometry", J. Imaging 2019, 5(4), 49
    • Salvador Bará, Carlos Tapia & Jaime Zamorano (2019) "Absolute radiometric calibration of TESS-W and SQM night sky brightness sensors", Sensors 2019, 19(6), 1336
    • Sánchez de Miguel A., Kyba C.M.C., Aubé M., Zamorano J., Cardiel N., Tapia C., Bennie J. & Gaston K.J. (2019) "Colour remote sensing of the impact of artificial light at night (I): The potential of the International Space Station and other DSLR-based platforms", Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 224: 92–103


    • S.Bará & R.C.Lima "Photons without borders: quantifying light pollution transfer between territories" International Journal of Sustainable Lighting IJSL (2018) 51-61
    • Salvador Bará, Ángel Rodríguez-Arós, Marcos Pérez, Borja Tosar, Raul C. Lima, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, and Jaime Zamorano, Estimating the relative contribution of streetlights, vehicles, and residential lighting to the urban night sky brightness, Lighting Research and Technology 2019; 51:1092–1107 (Published online before print, Oct 29, 2018) doi/10.1177/1477153518808337 Author Accepted Version (pdf)
    • Hector Linares, Eduard Masana, Salvador J. Ribas, Manuel García-Gil, Francesca Figueras and Martin Aubé (2018) "Modelling the night sky brightness and light pollution sources of Montsec protected area" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 217: 178-188
    • Tapia, C. & Zamorano, J. (2018) "LICA AstroCalc, a software to analyze the impact of artificial light: Extracting parameters from the spectra of street and indoor lamps", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 214: 33–38
    • Xavier Ges, Salvador Bará, Manuel García-Gil, Jaime Zamorano, Salvador J. Ribas, Eduard Masana (2018) "Light pollution offshore: Zenithal sky glow measurements in the mediterranean coastal waters", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 210: 91-100
    • Hänel, A., Posch, T., Ribas, S.J. et al (2018) "Measuring night sky brightness: methods and challenges", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 205: 278-290
    • Salvador Bará, Jaume Escofet (2018) "On lamps, walls, and eyes: the spectral radiance field and the evaluation of light pollution indoors", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 205, 267–277 DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf)
    • Longcore T., Rodríguez A., Witherington B., Penniman J.F., Herf L., Herf M. (2018) "Rapid assessment of lamp spectrum to quantify ecological effects of light at night", Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 329: 511-521
    • Saray Santamaría‐Hernando; José J. Rodríguez‐Herva; Pedro M. Martínez‐García; Isabel Río‐Álvarez; Pablo González‐Melendi; Jaime Zamorano; Carlos Tapia; Pablo Rodríguez‐Palenzuela; Emilia López‐Solanilla (2018) "Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato exploits light signals to optimize virulence and colonization of leaves " Environmental microbiology July 2018
    • Garcia‐Saenz A., Sánchez de Miguel A., Espinosa A., et al. (2018) "Evaluating the association between artificial light‐at‐night exposure and breast and prostate cancer risk in spain (MCC‐Spain Study)" Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 126: 047011
    • Jechow, A., Ribas, S.J., Canal-Domingo,R., Hölker,F., Kolláth, Z. and Kyba, C. (2018) "Tracking the dynamics of skyglow with differential photometry using a digital camera with fisheye lenses." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, vol. 209: 212-223
    • Rodríguez A., Holmberg R., Dann P., Chiaradia A. (2018)"Penguin colony attendance under artificial lights for ecotourism" Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A 329: 457-464
    • Galadí-Enríquez D. (2018) "Beyond CCT: The spectral index system as a tool for the objective, quantitative characterization of lamps" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 206:399-408



    • Ribas, S.J., Torra, J., Figueras, F., Paricio, S. and Canal-Domingo, R. (2016) "How clouds are Amplifying (or not) the Effects of ALAN"International Journal of Sustainable Lighting 35, 32-39.
    • J. Zamorano, C. García, R. González, C. Tapia, A. Sánchez de Miguel, S. Pascual,, J. Gallego, E. González, P. Picazo, J. Izquierdo, M. Nievas, L. García, O. Corcho, and The STARS4ALL consortium, "STARS4ALL night sky brightness photometer" The International Journal of Sustainable Lighting 35 (2016) 49-54
    • Salvador Bará, Anthropogenic disruption of the night sky darkness in urban and rural areas, Royal Society Open Science 3: 160541 (2016). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160541
    • Salvador Bará and Jaume Escofet, Research note: Calculating spectral irradiance indoors, Lighting Research and Technology, published online 1 September 2016. 10.1177/1477153516667643
    • Rodríguez, A., Chiarradia, A., Wasiak, P., Renwick, L., Dann, P. "Waddling on the dark side: ambient light affects attendance behavior of little penguins" (2016) Journal of Biological Rhythms, DOI: 10.1177/0748730415626010.
    • J. Zamorano, A. Sánchez de Miguel, F. Ocaña, B. Pila-Díez, J. Gómez Castaño, S. Pascual, C. Tapia, J. Gallego, A. Fernández, M. Nievas"Testing sky brightness models against radial dependency: A dense two dimensional survey around the city of Madrid, Spain" (2016) JQSRT september 2016 p52-66 doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.02.029
    • M. Aubé, M. Kocifaj, J. Zamorano, A. Sánchez de Miguel "The Spectral Amplification Effect of Clouds to the Night Sky Radiance in Madrid" (2016) JQSRT 181,11-23 doi:
    • XII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society July 18 – 22, 2016, in Bilbao, Spain. Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX, Proceedings of the XII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society. S. Arribas, A. Alonso-Herrero, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, A. Sánchez-Lavega, S. Pérez-Hoyos (eds.)
      • J. Zamorano, C. García, R. González, C. Tapia, A. Sánchez de Miguel, S. Pascual,, J. Gallego, E. González, P. Picazo, J. Izquierdo, M. Nievas, L. García, O. Corcho, and The STARS4ALL consortium, "STARS4ALL a Light Pollution Awareness project" págs 780-783
      • Enric Marco, Ángel Morales Rubio, Jaime Zamorano, and Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, "Primeros resultados de la variación espacial y temporal del brillo de cielo nocturno del entorno de Valencia" download poster
      • Salvador J. Ribas, Jordi Torra, Francesca Figueras, Sergi Paricio, and Ramon Canal-Domingo, "Amplification (or not) of Light Pollution due to the presence of clouds", págs 754-759
    • Artificial Light at Night 2016. Cluj-Napoca (Rumanía) 26-28 de Septiembre de 2016.
      • S.J. Ribas, J. Torra, F. Figueras, S. Paricio & R. Canal-Domingo "How clouds are amplifying (or not) the effects of ALAN"
      • J. Zamorano, C. García, R. Gonzalez, C. Tapia, A. Sánchez de Miguel, P. Picazo, J. Izquierdo, Mi. Nievas, L. García, O. Corcho, and The STARS4ALL consortium "STARS4ALL night sky brightness photometer"
      • A. Sánchez de Miguel et al. "Are LEDs reducing light pollution?: Dealing with light pollution in a colour changing world"
      • Airam Rodríguez "GPS tracking for mapping seabird mortality induced by light pollution"
    • III REUNIÓN DE LA REECL La Palma 19-22 Octubre 2016. Listado de las comunicaciones


    • XXIX IAU FM 21: Mitigating Threats of Light Pollution & Radio Frequency Interference, Honolulu (Hawaii) 3-14/8/2015 webpages
    • Salvador Bará, Salvador Ribas and Miroslav Kocifaj (2015) "Modal evaluation of the anthropogenic night sky brightness at arbitrary distances from a light source" Journal of Optics (IOP) 17 105607 (9pp). doi:0.1088/2040-8978/17/10/105607 PDF file (author accepted version)
    • Airam Rodríguez, Beneharo Rodríguez & Juan J. Negro (2015) "GPS tracking for mapping seabird mortality induced by light pollution" Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 10670 doi:10.1038/srep10670 PDF file
    • Airam Rodríguez, David García, Beneharo Rodríguez, Esteban Cardona, Lluís Parpal, Pere Pons (2015) "Artificial lights and seabirds: is light pollution a threat for the threatened Balearic petrels?" Journal of Ornithology May 2015 :1232 DOI: 10.1007/s10336-015-1232-3 PDF file
    • Salvador Bará, Víctor Tilve, Miguel Nievas, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, and Jaime Zamorano (2015) "Zernike power spectra of clear and cloudy light-polluted urban night skies" Appl. Opt. 54, 4120-4129 (2015) DOI:10.1364/AO.54.004120 AO PDF file and Author Accepted Version (PDF)
    • R. Estrada-García, M. García-Gil, L. Acosta, S. Bará, A. Sánchez-de-Miguel and J. Zamorano (2015) "Statistical modelling and satellite monitoring of upward light from public lighting" Lighting Research and Technology April 21, 2015 doi: 10.1177/1477153515583181 PDF file
    • Christopher C. M. Kyba, Stefanie Garz, Helga Kuechly, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Jaime Zamorano, Jürgen Fischer and Franz Hölker (2015) "High-Resolution Imagery of Earth at Night: New Sources, Opportunities and Challenges" Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 1-23 doi:10.3390/rs70100001 PDF file
    • Christopher C. M. Kyba, Kai Pong Tong et al. (including Miguel Nievas & Jaime Zamorano) (2015)"Worldwide variations in artificial skyglow" Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 8409 doi:10.1038/srep08409 PDF file
    • J Escofet and S Bara. “Reducing the circadian input from self-luminous devices using hardware filters and software applications” Lighting Res. Technol. 2015; 0: 1–16. Article first published online: December 10, 2015.
    • XL Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado, Ciudad de Badajoz, 6-9/5/2015
      • L.P. Meléndez, C. Sierra Garriga, M. García Gil (2015) "Caracterización de la intensidad luminosa responsable de la contaminación lumínica en las ciudades"
    • 19th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering, Ciudad de Granada, 15-17/7/2015
      • L.P. Meléndez, C. Sierra Garriga, M. García Gil (2015) "Modelización de la Contaminación Lumínica en entornos urbanos"
    • IX Reunión Nacional de Óptica, Salamanca, 01-04/09/2015
      • Jaume Escofet, Elisabet Pérez and Salvador Bará "Medidas radiométricas en pantallas de visualización LED. Efecto de los filtros atenuadores en la banda azul" ISBN 978-84-608-4609-3 p.97
    • LPTMM - 2015. Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling, and Measurements Jouvence, Québec, Canadá, 26-28/05/2015
      • Víctor Tilve, Josefina F. Ling, and Salvador Bará, "Determining the continuous all-sky night brightness distributions from discrete sets of localized measurements"
      • Salvador Bará, Víctor Tilve, and Josefina F. Ling, "Modal approaches for light pollution measurement and modeling"
      • Salvador Bará, Víctor Tilve, Santiago Salsón, Miguel Rúa, and Vicente Pérez-Muñuzuri, "The Galician Night Sky Brightness Monitoring Network"
      • A. Sanchez de Miguel "Diffuse light on satellite imagery and sky brightness"
      • S. Ribas "Light Pollution studies on Montsec Reserve using the new Catalan Light Pollution Network"
      • S. Ribas "Intercomparison campaigns of Night Sky Brightness measuring techniques"
    • II REUNIÓN DE LA REECL Santiago de Compostela 2-4/9/2015 Listado de las comunicaciones


    • Maria Angeles Bonmati-Carrion, Raquel Arguelles-Prieto, Maria Jose Martinez-Madrid, Russel Reiter, Ruediger Hardeland, Maria Angeles Rol, Juan Antonio Madrid (2014) "Protecting the Melatonin Rhythm through Circadian Healthy Light Exposure " International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12/2014; 15(12):23448-23500. DOI: 10.3390/ijms151223448 PDF file
    • Airam Rodríguez, Graeme Burgan, Peter Dann, Roz Jessop, Juan J. Negro, Andre Chiaradia (2014)"Fatal Attraction of Short-Tailed Shearwaters to Artificial Lights"PLoS ONE 9(10): e110114. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110114 PDF file
    • Salvador Bará, Miguel Nievas, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, and Jaime Zamorano (2014) "Zernike analysis of all-sky night brightness maps" Appl. Opt. 53, 2677-2686 (2014) DOI:10.1364/AO.53.002677 PDF file
    • ALAN2014: "Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) Conference", Leicester (UK), Reino Unido, 2-4/9/2014
      • S.J. Ribas, R. Canal-Domingo & Servei Català per a la Prevenció dela Cont. Acústica i Lluminosa "Monitoring The Starlight Reserve of Montsec: a protected area"
      • Kyba, Cinzano, Espey, Falchi, Sanchez De Miguel, Walker, Zamorano "Understanding the Upward Angular Distribution of Sky Glow"
      • Sánchez de Miguel Absolute Calibration of the ISS: Measuring colours and radiance from the ISS"
    • XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society, Teruel 2-8/9/2014
      • S.J. Ribas, R. Canal-Domingo & Servei Català per a la Prevenció dela Cont. Acústica i Lluminosa "Monitoring The Starlight Reserve of Montsec: a protected area"
      • Enric Marco, Angel Morales Rubio "Contaminación lumínica en el entorno de Valencia. Factores antrópicos y naturales"
      • J. Zamorano, A Sánchez de Miguel, Emilio Alfaro, Francisco Ocaña, Miguel Nievas, Carlos Tapia "NIXNOX project: Dark skies of Spain" (conferencia invitada)
      • A. Sánchez de Miguel et al. "Midiendo la contaminación lumínica: de arriba abajo y de abajo arriba"
      • Víctor Tilve, Josefina Ling, Salvador Bará, A. Sánchez de Mguel, Miguel Nievas & Jaime Zamorano "Estimating all-sky nightbrightness maps from finite sets of SQM measurements"
    • AOTP'2014: II International Conference on Applications in Optics and Photonics", Aveiro, Portugal, 26-30/5/2014
      • S. Bará, M. Nievas, A. Sánchez de Miguel and J. Zamorano (2014) "Zernike power spectra of urban light-polluted cloudless night skies" PDF file
      • Salvador Bará (2014) "Light pollution: Why should we care?" PDF file
    • XL Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado, Ciudad de Málaga, 28-31/5/2014
      • M. García Gil, C. Sierra Garriga, R. Sanz Ciria, S. X Bará (2014) "Reforma del alumbrado y mediciones de fondo de cielo en el Parque Natural del Delta del Ebro" presentación PDF
      • Javier Díaz y Federico de la Paz (2014) La Red Española de Contaminación Lumínica presentación PDF y Video de la Presentación


    • First International conference Artificial Light at Night. Berlin, 28-30 october 2013
      • Sánchez de Miguel, A., Zamorano, J." Images taken from the ISS to fight against the light pollution"
      • Sánchez de Miguel, A., Zamorano, J., Gómez, Castaño, J., Pascual S" European street lighting power consumption estimation using DMSP/OLS images"
    • COST Action Loss of the Night. Intercomparison Meeting. Lastovo, Septiembre 2013
      • S.J. Ribas, R. Canal-Domingo "Measuring Light Pollution in Montsec: a protected area"
    • 13th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky, Planetarium of Pamplona, Spain, 12-14/09/2013
      • S. Bará, M. Nievas and J. Zamorano (2013) "Zernike analysis of all-sky night brightness maps" presentation in PDF
      • S. Bará, R. de la Fuente and H. González (2013) "Ground-based imaging spectrometry for light pollution measurement" presentation in PDF
      • A. Sánchez de Miguel & J. Zamorano Temporal evolution of light pollution sources using ISS images and others: Madrid
      • J. Zamorano, A. Sánchez de Miguel, J. Gómez-Castaño, F. Ocaña, J. Gallego, B. Pila, M. Nievas, C. Tapia, A. Fernández & S. Pascual Night Sky Brightness and Light Pollution in Comunidad de Madrid
      • J. Zamorano, A. Sánchez de Miguel, E. Alfaro, D. Martínez-Delgado, F. Ocaña, J. Gómez Castaño & M. NievasNIXNOX project: Sites in Spain where citizens can enjoy dark starry skies
      • S.J. Ribas, R. Canal-Domingo "Measuring Light Pollution in Montsec: a protected area"
      • Javier Díaz Castro “State of the art of the use of LED technology in the protected area of the Canary Islands”
    • ETOP'2013: 12th International conference on "Education and Training in Optics and Photonics", Porto, Portugal 23-26/07/2013
      • S. Bará (2013) "Naked-eye Astronomy: Optics of the starry night skies" PDF file
    • RIAO/OPTILAS 2013: VIII Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica / XI Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica, Láseres y Aplicaciones. 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Applications, edited by Manuel Filipe P. C. Martins Costa, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8785, 87852G
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    • Seminario Internacional sobre Protección del Cielo Nocturno del Norte de Chile, Antofagasta, Chile 22/10/2013
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    • Light Pollution : Theory, Modelling, and Measurements international conference. Smolenice, Abril 2013
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      • J. Zamorano, A. Sánchez de Miguel et al. Night sky brightness and light pollution at Madrid area
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