Relación de próximos congresos o reuniones de interés para la red.
2025/10/28-30 | 9th International Conference on Artificial Light at Night | ALAN 2025 | Westport (Irlanda) |
2024/11/08-09 | DarkSky Global Conference 2024 | Under One Sky 2024 | [Online] |
2024/10/31 - 2024/11/03 | XXVI Congreso Estatal de Astronomía | CEA 2024 | Aranjuez (Madrid) |
2024/10/20-23 | New Zealand Starlight Conference | Starlight Conference | Tekapo (Nueva Zelanda) |
2024/07/15-19 | XVI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía | SEA 2024 | Granada |
2024/07/09-12 | Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling, and Measurements | LPTMM 2024 | Attersee-Traunsee (Austria) |
2024/05/22-24 | 50 Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado | CEI 2024 | Valencia |
2024/03/14-16 | 16th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky | EURODARK 2024 | Groninga (Holanda) |
2023/11/14-15 | Reunión sobre Contaminación lumínica: Retos y respuestas para su monitorización | Presidencia española Consejo UE | Granada |
2023/11/13-17 | Dark sky and astronomical heritage in boosting astro-tourism around the globe | IAU 386 SYMPOSIUM | Adís Abeba (Etiopía) |
2023/11/09 | Dark and quiet skies for science, society and industry | Space Seville Summit | Sevilla |
2023/11/03-04 | DarkSky Global Conference 2023 | Under One Sky 2023 | [Online] |
2023/10/02-06 | Astronomy and Satellite Constellations: Pathways Forward | IAU 385 SYMPOSIUM | La Palma (Canarias) |
2023/08/10-13 | 8th International Conference on Artificial Light at Night | ALAN 2023 | Calgary (Canadá) |
2023/05/10-12 | XLIX Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado | CEI 2023 | Huesca |
2023/04/28-30 | XXV Congreso Estatal de Astronomía | XXV CEA | Zaragoza |
2022/11/12-13 | International Dark-Sky Association 2022 Global Conference | Under One Sky 2022 | [Online] |
2022/09/05-09 | XV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía | SEA 2022 | La Laguna (Tenerife) |
2022/08/09-04 | XXXI IAU General Assembly Focus Meeting 2: Towards a World Standard for Dark and Quiet Sky Protection | IAUGA 2022-FM 2 | Busan (Corea del Sur) |
2022/06/21-24 | Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling, and Measurements | LPTMM 2022 | Santiago de Compostela |
2022/05/25-27 | XLVIII Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado | CEI 2022 | Cartagena (Región de Murcia) |
2022/05/14 | III Encontro da Noite | III Encontro da Noite | A Coruña |
2022/05/12-13 | Responsible Outdoor Lighting at Night Conference | ROLAND 2022 | [Online] |
2022/05/01-02 | 15th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky | European Symposiu 2022 | Fulda (Alemania) |
2022/03/30 - 2022/04/01 | 1st European Workshop on Artificial Nighttime Light Remote Sensing | Nighttime Light 2022 | Noordwijk (Holanda) |
2021/11/23 | V Jornada de Contaminación Lumínica de Riba-roja de Túria | V Jornada Riba-roja de Túria | Riba-roja (Valencia) |
2021/11/12-13 | International Dark-Sky Association 2021 Global Conference | Under One Sky 2021 | [Online] |
2021/10/03-07 | Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society II | UN/Spain/IAU | [Online] |
2021/10/09-12 | XXIV Congreso Estatal de Astronomía | XXIV CEA | A Coruña |
2021/09/29 - 2021/10/01 | XLVII Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado | CEI 2021 | Vigo (Pontevedra) |
2021/07/12-16 | Satellite Constellations 2 Workshop | SATCON2 | [Online] |
2021/06/15-17 | 7th International conference on Artificial Light at Night | ALAN 2021 | [Online] |
2020/11/24-26 | I Jornadas sobre Contaminación Lumínica y Aves Marinas en la Macaronesia | LuMinAves | [Online] |
2020/10/10 | I International Conference on Lighting, Interactivity, Heritage, Health, Technology and Sustainability | IC-LIGHTS | Atenas (Grecia) [Online] |
2020/10/05-09 | Dark and Quiet Skies for Science and Society | IAU/UNOOSA/IAC | Santa Cruz (La Palma) [Online] |
2020/09/24 | I Congreso Transfronterizo de Contaminación Lumínica | CTCL2020 | Badajoz [Online] |
2020/07/13-17 | XIV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía | SEA 2020 | [Online] |
2020/06/16 | 6th International conference on Artificial Light at Night | E-ALAN 2020 | [Online] |
2019/11/26 | IV Jornada de Contaminación Lumínica de Riba-roja de Túria | IV Jornada Riba-roja de Túria | Riba-roja (Valencia) |
2019/11/22-23 | IV Jornadas sobre Contaminación Lumínica en el Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama | IV Jornadas Sierra de Guadarrama | Cercedilla (Madrid) |
2019/11/3-5 | 14th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky | European Symposium 2019 | Mulranny (Irlanda) |
2019/10/26 | II Encontro da Noite | II Encontro da Noite | A Coruña |
2019/06/25-28 | Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling, and Measurements | LPTMM 2019 | Zselic Valley (Hungría) |
2019/06/14-16 | 1st Scientific Conference with international participation “Light Pollution” | Light Pollution | Rab (Croacia) |
2019/06/14 | Light Assessment in Epidemiological Studies (LAES) Workshop | LAES Workshop | Barcelona |
2019/05/08-10 | XLV Simposium Nacional de Alumbrado | CEI 2019 | Pamplona |
2018/11/27 | Contaminació lumínica: amenaça del segle XXI | III Jornada | Riba-roja de Túria (Valencia) |
2018/11/16-17 | III Jornadas sobre Contaminación Lumínica en el Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama |