UCM group of Extragalactic astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation
Dept. Astrofísica y CC de la Atmósfera   Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Research lines:
Local star-forming galaxies
Galaxy models
Surveys Databases
SHARDS project
Stellar libraries
Early-type galaxies
Meteors and Fireballs
Dark Skies
Instrumental developments:
MEGARA:Multi-Espectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para Astronomía
EMIR: Espectrógrafo Multiobjeto en el InfraRrojo
FRIDA: inFrared Imager and Dissector for Adaptative optics

300 citations for ApJL 455, L1

ApJL 455, L1

'The Current Star Formation Rate of the Local Universe' (1995, ApJ 455,L1) which is a key result of the UCM Survey has recently reached 300 citations according to NASA ADS service.

This quantity is not usual and this is why Jesús Gallego (the PhD student who made the work and deserves the merit) and Jaime Zamorano (his proud thesis advisor) are more than happy.

Consolider Postdoc

The UCM announces the future opening of one PostDoctoral position within the GTC Consolider-Ingenio 2010 project (First Science with the GTC: bringing Spanish Astronomy to the forefront of European Astronomy).

The Consolider-GTC Fellow will work in the Astrophysics Department of the UCM, and will participate in the activities of the UCM Instrument Software Group. As part of this work, she/he will be involved in the development of data reduction pipelines (DRPs) currently in progress, with special emphasis on the DRPs for optical and near-IR instruments for GTC. The Consolider-GTC Fellow will be allowed (and encouraged) to work on research areas closely related with the scientific exploitation of the future instrumentation. The appointment will be for a period of 3 years.

Please. Further information: Dr. Jesús Gallego (jgm at astrax.fis.ucm.es) or Dr. Nicolás Cardiel (ncl at astrax.fis.ucm.es).

Note: this position has finally been fulfilled by November 2008.

Observing at La Palma

Jaime Izquierdo, Jesús Gallego y Jaime Zamorano have been observing with the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) at e Roque de los Muchachos observatory (La Palma island).

Jesús, Jaime y Jaime, diciembre 2007 Interior de la cúpula de GTC LA Palma

Observaciones en La Palma

Jaime Izquierdo, Jesús Gallego y Jaime Zamorano han realizado observaciones en el Telescopio Isaac Newton (INT) de 2.5m del observatorio de Roque de los Muchachos en la isla de La Palma.

Jesús, Jaime y Jaime, diciembre 2007 Interior de la cúpula de GTC LA Palma

África, hija de África & Javier


Damos la bienvenida a África, hija de África Castillo y Javier. África (3 kgr y 60 gr, 50 cm), que se ha adelantado a las Navidades, es la primera hija de la feliz pareja.


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