UCM group of Extragalactic astrophysics and astronomical instrumentation
Dept. Astrofísica y CC de la Atmósfera   Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Research lines:
Local star-forming galaxies
Galaxy models
Surveys Databases
SHARDS project
Stellar libraries
Early-type galaxies
Meteors and Fireballs
Dark Skies
Instrumental developments:
MEGARA:Multi-Espectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para Astronomía
EMIR: Espectrógrafo Multiobjeto en el InfraRrojo
FRIDA: inFrared Imager and Dissector for Adaptative optics

Eduard Westra visits UCM

Eduard Westra at UCM

Eduard Westra from Australian National University has been visiting our team. He is a student under the supervision of Dr. Heath Jones.

For his thesis he wants to determine the volume averaged star formation rate at several epochs in the Universe. He use emission line galaxies selected from two narrowband surveys: Wide Field Imager Lyman Alpha (Lyα) Search (WFILAS) and Taurus Tuneable Filter Field Galaxy Survey (TTFFGS). This is why he visited us: his work is in the same field as those of the Sergio and Víctor thesis.

He gave us an interesting talk about 'Star Forming Galaxies and their Environments across the Ages' where he discussed the selection of the line emitting galaxies for different epochs for WFILAS and the results, which he got from the search for Lyα emitting galaxies at z ~ 5.7 from WFILAS and how he will approach the low and intermediate redshift part of WFILAS and TTFFGS.

Dr. Sergio Pascual Ramírez

Sergio con sus directores Jesús y Jaime a la salida de la defensa, julio 2004

C. Díaz

El 9 de julio de 2004 Sergio Pascual Ramírez defendió su tesis doctoral La tasa de formación estelar del universo a z=0.24 y z=0.4 a partir de Hα en la Universidad Complutense, obteniendo la máxima calificación y la felicitación unánime del tribunal.

Dr. Pascual estuvo sereno en su exposición, parte de ella en inglés, y muy seguro en la defensa. Sus directores de tesis: Jesús Gallego y Jaime Zamorano estaban muy orgullosos de su recién doctorado.

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