Dept. Astrofísica y CC de la Atmósfera Univ. Complutense de Madrid
Research lines:
Local star-forming galaxies Galaxy models Surveys Databases SHARDS project Stellar libraries Early-type galaxies Meteors and Fireballs Dark Skies |
Instrumental developments: MEGARA:Multi-Espectrógrafo en GTC de Alta Resolución para Astronomía | |
EMIR: Espectrógrafo Multiobjeto en el InfraRrojo | ||
FRIDA: inFrared Imager and Dissector for Adaptative optics |
Siete propuestas de observación remitidas a los comités de ING y GTC
Los astrónomos de GUAIX han remitido un total de siete propuestas que deben ser valoradas por el Time Allocation Comitee (TAC) del observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma). La fecha límite era el 3 de octubre para el período del semestre 2009A, entre marzo y agosto de 2009.
Eight proposals submitted to ING and GTC TACs
A grand total of eight proposals have been submitted by the GUAIX astronomers to the Time Allocation Comitee (TAC) of Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma). The deadline was October 3rd for the semester 2009A, from March to August 2009.
Strong presence of the GUAIX team at the VIII SEA Scientific Meeting (Santander)
Several were the contributions of the GUAIX team to this SEA meeting. During those days, UCM scientists had the opportunity of meeting their colleagues.
GOYA core meeting at "El Portil", Huelva
Scientists from several countries meet during several days for a combination of leisure and good science at "El Portil" (Huelva). This GOYA core group meeting was hosted by Dr. Guzmán, PI of the GOYA project.
China Total Solar Eclipse
UCM Expedition members who travel to China to observe the Total Solar Eclipse have obtained great images. More info at UCM Expedition Blog.